My Daily Supplement Routine

 Hello, Beauties!

I have talked about my health a little bit here, but not very often, and without much detail. I will do a brief recap for this post, but will go a little more in depth another time regarding my personal experience with Sarcoidosis.

What I'm really excited to share with you is that after NINE YEARS OF TREATMENT, and a serious dose of focused lifestyle shift, I am officially in REMISSION! 

Sarcoidosis is an autoimmune disease that can affect just about any organ system in your body. It can show up without you even knowing it, and disappear just as easily for some people. It can cause devastating changes to your organs' functions, as well as deeply affect your day to day life. It all depends.

My first rheumatologist called it "the great mimic" since it can affect your body in much the same way as other illnesses of the same organ system. It's fairly complex, and treatment is mainly in the form of suppressing the immune response to avoid further damage and complications. It sucks.

I was fairly lucky that I presented with an acute case, since it made diagnosis a bit more straight forward. And truthfully, dealing with an autoimmune disease felt lucky compared to the other things they had to rule out. It was a very scary time. I was 34, had two little kids, and my husband and I were really just trying to be strong. forward about seven years. I was taking really strong medications to control my illness and STILL had to have a lymph node removed due to the disease. I was beyond frustrated with my body, and though I had always tried to live with a positive mindset, I was feeling defeated. Around this time, I started training with Natural Beaded Rows Extensions and their business education, BMS. At the core, training was designed so we as stylists also took care of ourselves as humans. Focus on mind, body, spirit, overall health and wellness...the whole deal. So I started following the program to the letter.

What really put things over the top for my relief, I believe, was the removal of dairy, and the addition of supplements. Obviously, I was already following a very strict care routine, and these extra changes helped me even more.

I'm not a medical professional. I am not telling you that supplements cured me. I am sharing my personal daily supplement routine with you so you can see what I do, and if I can encourage you to take your health and wellness a bit more seriously, then I'm stoked!

If you have any questions, or want to know more about anything I do, write me a comment!! Like, subscribe, let me know! Also, if you're interested in knowing more about NBR Extensions, click my website!

I hope you enjoy the video! 

xx, lindsay




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