Creating Space

How much room do you have in your life? How about in your work space? Your daily schedule ? Your refrigerator?

If you’re like me, and most people, you don’t have much extra room for anything. If you don’t create space for yourself to let new things in, you will not grow. 

Over the last year, I’ve taken a really hard look at my work schedule. People told me, “Wow, you’re so booked, that’s awesome!” And it was unbelievable that I could get people in. Whether I could really do it or not. I was saying yes to everyone but me. 

I had set strong boundaries about the hours and days that I worked, but during those hours I crammed as many clients in as I could. I didn’t eat, pee, laugh with my coworkers, or just sit and let myself enjoy a minute in my own salon. I needed to create space.

I adore all of my clients, but I knew I couldn’t keep up the pace I had been setting for myself. So, I decided to start making space for something new.  I started to allow myself some grace, some moments to explore what made me feel good. And that’s how I found NBR™️.

If your life is so crammed that you can’t find moments of space for grace, I want you to breathe. Then, think about how you can create some room for yourself. Does it seem indulgent? Maybe. But just like what the flight attendants tell us about putting our mask on first? Yeah, we are no good to anyone if we don’t take care of ourselves first.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would feel like to have “dream hair” every day, click this link  See how good NBR™️ can make you feel. And then you can go back to taking care of everybody else🖤


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