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Content Creation and Perfectionism

See how weird my arm looks here?  Hello again from the land of Perfectionists Anonymous! If you create content or use social media in any capacity you are well aware of how easy it is to feel like you can't post something with the slightest perceived "flaw." This photo is lovely, and I look really happy. But I've never posted it because I thought my arm looked so weird. Maybe other people would think so, too, so I wasn't taking any chances on the internet with this one.  But when did that start happening? I'm old enough that I was a grown up when Facebook and Instagram were created, and there was NOTHING but weird inner thoughts and grainy pictures of our dogs, kids, and paper plates of dinner. Nothing was perfect, and we all survived. In fact, I think that's when social media actually did the thing it was meant to do for us--create connections. Alas, that golden age is over, and we're left with the crushing reality that the world doesn't want to s

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